Barney Cokeliss x NHS

Barney Cokeliss has directed a film for the NHS highlighting the need for us all to be aware of the signs of an impending heart attack. 

With a creative script from Ben Golik & Tom Kennedy at M&C Saatchi, Barney & his team have made a film that takes an everyday situation and turns it into something other-worldly and unsettling, driving home the message that we should take even minor symptoms seriously.

“This was just the kind of dramatic project I love to get stuck into”, says Barney.

“Dealing with a potentially life-and-death issue justifies the most powerful visual storytelling, and it was gratifying that we could do so much of the effect in-camera”.

Lit atmospherically by Daniel Landin and with VFX work courtesy of Glassworks, the film is set in an A-road lay-by with a driver having stopped because he’s not feeling quite right.

Chest pains begin and his body is squeezed by a gripping, restrictive pair of arms that emerge from his clothing as he breathing becomes heavier and he starts to sweat.

The take out here is…if you experience these symptoms…call 999 immediately. It might just save your life.

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